Emily ZANINI Was Arrested
Source: OPP
Date: Tue Jun 25 04:12:08 MST 2024

On June 21, 2024, shortly before 12:00 a.m., the Manitoulin Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) was conducting a R.I.D.E. program on Highway 6 near Foucault Road in Espanola.
A vehicle approached the R.I.D.E. program and did not stop for officers. A traffic stop was conducted on the vehicle a short distance from the R.I.D.E. program. Upon speaking with the driver, police were able to determine the driver had consumed alcoholic beverages. The driver was subsequently arrested and transported to the OPP detachment for further testing.
As a result of the investigation, Emily ZANINI, 32-years-old from Sudbury has been charged with:
· Operation while impaired alcohol and drugs
· Drive vehicle with cannabis readily available
· Driving motor vehicle with liquor readily available
· Driver fail to surrender licence
· Operate a motor vehicle without insurance
· Fail to stop for police
· Operation while impaired blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)
· Dangerous operation
The accused is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Espanola on August 6, 2024.
The driver was issued a 90-day Administrative Drivers Licence Suspension, and the vehicle was impounded for seven days.