More Impaired Drivers Arrested
Source: OPP
Date: Sat Jul 13 03:41:09 MST 2024

On January 30, 2024, shortly after 6:00 p.m., the James Bay Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a report of a collision between a vehicle and a moose, on Highway 11 in Fauquier-Strickland.
The involved driver was transported via ambulance to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Upon investigation, officers determined the driver had been consuming an intoxicating substance. Officers attended the hospital, and a blood sample was taken from the driver and sent away for analysis.
On June 16, 2024, as a result of the investigation, Veronik GOSSELIN-CHABOT, 31 years of age of Becanour, QC, was charged with the following:
· Operation while impaired alcohol and drugs
· Operation while impaired blood drug concentration
· Driving vehicle with cannabis readily available
· Drive motor vehicle, no permit
· Driver motor vehicle, no plates
The accused is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice on July 15, 2024, in Kapuskasing.
On April 26, shortly after 5:30 p.m., the James Bay OPP responded to a report of an unconscious person in the drivers seat of a moving pickup truck, on Government Road in Kapuskasing.
Police arrived on scene, and the vehicle had been stopped by bumper contact with another vehicle. The involved driver was transported via ambulance to hospital. Officers attended the hospital, determined the driver had been consuming an intoxicating substance, and a blood sample was taken and sent away for analysis.
On July 7, 2024, as a result of the investigation, Danielle DOSTIE, 34 years of age of Kapuskasing, was charged with the following:
· Operation while impaired blood drug concentration
· Dangerous operation
The accused is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice on September 9, 2024, in Kapuskasing.