Sadman DISHAN Drunk Driving
Source: OPP
Date: Tue Jul 23 03:49:44 MST 2024

Shortly before 2:00 a.m. on July 20, Ottawa OPP responded to a single vehicle collision on Highway 417 at Kent St. The vehicle had struck the barrier and rolled over. The exit at Kent St was shut down for several hours while police conducted their investigation. Both the driver and passenger were transported to hospital with minor injuries. The driver registered more then twice the legal limit.
Sadman DISHAN, 25 years of age has been charged with:
Operation While Impaired Alcohol and Drugs
Operation While Impaired Blood Alcohol Concentration (80 Plus)
Dishan received a 90-day driving prohibition and his vehicle was impounded for seven days. Dishan was released on an Appearance Notice and is scheduled to appear in Provincial Court on August 28, 2024.