(ATIKOKAN, ON) A public complaint that some obviously intoxicated people were trying to get a work truck out of the ditch resulted in charges for a Winnipeg resident. On July 19, 2024, at approximately 5:00 pm, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in Atikokan received a public complaint about a work truck in the ditch near Mathieu Road east of Atikokan. Atikokan OPP responded and identified an involved person thanks to assistance from the public. Investigation confirmed that alcohol was a factor in the incident. One person was arrested at the scene and transported to the Atikokan Detachment where alcohol breath testing was completed by demand. Edward JESSOP, 49-years-old, from Winnipeg MB is charged criminally with one count of impaired operation alcohol or drug, and one count of impaired operation blood alcohol concentration 80 plus. The accused also received a 90-day drivers licence suspension, and the work truck was impounded for 7 days. The accused was released by police and is scheduled to appear in the Atikokan Ontario Court of Justice on August 22, 2024, to answer to the charges. The OPP is committed to improving road safety through proactive enforcement, public awareness, and high-quality traffic incident investigations. You the public play an important role in helping to keep our roads safe. If you suspect someone is driving while impaired, call 911.
Source: OPP
Date: Tue Jul 23 03:51:05 MST 2024

On July 20, 2024, at approximately 8:55 p.m., officers responded after receiving numerous calls concerning an erratic driver on Highway 417 near mile marker
417. The complainants stated that a blue Mazda CX5, travelling west bound, was continuously flashing its high-beams and stopped in a live lane causing vehicles to use the shoulder to avoid the vehicle. The complainants also provided police with the vehicles licence plate number.
The vehicle was later located in the drive thru of the Embrun McDonalds. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver fled almost striking a police vehicle head on. Police continued their investigation and after identifying the driver they contacted him, and he agreed to turn himself in. Police also located the suspect vehicle parked on a street in a nearby neighbourhood.
As a result of the investigation, 22-year-old Felix Lecomte, from Embrun, Ontario, was charged under the Criminal Code (CC) and Highway Traffic Act (HTA) with:
Operation while impaired alcohol CC
Flight from peace officer CC
Dangerous operation CC
Driver motor vehicle no licence HTA
The vehicle was impounded for forty-five days, and the accused is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in LOrignal on August 28, 2024.