Michael KERSSIES Drunk Driving
Source: Area OPP
Date: Wed Aug 28 04:07:45 MST 2024

On August 24, 2024, at 3:22 p.m., the South Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a call from a concerned member of the public regarding the driving behavior of a motorist on Bruce Road 3 in the Municipality of South Bruce. The motorist had drove over the complainants front lawn and proceeded on Bruce Road 3. The vehicle was located by police and a traffic stop was conducted.
The driver was found to have been under the influence of alcohol. They were placed under arrest and taken to a qualified breath technician.
Michael KERSSIES, 48-years-old, from Jerseyville, was charged with:
Operation while impaired
Operation while impaired-over 80
Dangerous Operation
Drive motor vehicle with open liquor
Fail to surrender permit
The South Bruce OPP want to remind the public that traffic safety is everyones responsibility.