$47,000 Owen Sound Drug Bust
Source: Owen Sound Police
Date: Tue Dec 31 06:07:45 MST 2024
As part of the investigation, the Owen Sound Police Service sought and obtained a search warrant for the residence. The search warrant was executed by Uniform officers and members of the Criminal Investigations Branch resulting in the seizure of a large quantity of fentanyl, cocaine, and methamphetamine. The amount of fentanyl seized during this investigation equates to 2030 individual doses. The street value of the illicit drugs is estimated at $47,000.
As a result of the investigation, the offender is charged with:
1) Robbery with violence;
2) Three counts of Uttering Threats cause death or bodily harm;
3) Three counts of Assault;
4) Two counts of Assault with a weapon;
5) Sexual Assault;
6) Sexual assault using a restricted or prohibited firearm;
7) Two counts of Forcible Confinement;
8) Two counts of Possession of weapon for dangerous purpose;
9) Three counts of Possession of a Schedule I substance;
10) Three counts of Possession of a Schedule I substance for the purposes of trafficking;
11) Possession of proceeds of property obtained by crime under $5000 in Canada.
The offender was held in custody pending a bail hearing scheduled for December 29th, 2024.