James SZEMAN Drunk Driving
Source: OPP
Date: Thu Jan 2 05:07:37 MST 2025
An officer from the Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) made the vehicle stop on Simcoe County Road 6, Tiny Township at approximately 11:05 a.m. December 31, 2024 and while speaking to the lone driver about the infraction observed signs to cause the officer to enter into an impaired driving investigation.
A further investigation at detachment has resulted in the following criminal charges for James SZEMAN, a 57 year old resident of the The Blue Mountains.
Operation while impaired alcohol and drugs
Operation while impaired blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)
And further with Provincial Offences of
Drive hand held communication device
Drive motor vehicle, no currently validated permit
Drive commercial motor vehicle no licence
Fail to surrender permit for motor vehicle
Operate a motor vehicle without insurance
The accused was released from custody to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice at a future date, and was also served a 90 day drivers licence suspension. The involved vehicle was towed and subject to a 7 day vehicle impound in accordance to the Ministry of Transportation (ADLS) guidelines.
Although the OPP runs its annual Festive RIDE campaign during the holiday season, RIDE spot checks are conducted throughout the year, 24/7. The OPP remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads through enforcement and public education. If you know or suspect that a driver is impaired by alcohol or drugs, call 9-1-1. In doing so, you may save a life. The OPP reminds motorists to plan ahead and to use a designated driver, cab, public transit, or stay overnight. Any amount of alcohol or drugs can impact your ability to make sound judgements. Enforcement and education is essential to save lives and reduce injuries on our trails, roadways and waterways.