STPS Daily Update 25Jan2025
Source: St Thomas Police Service
Date: Tue Jan 28 08:52:17 MST 2025

While on general patrol police recognized a 35 year old female as wanted. Police spoke with the female and arrested her on the strength of the warrant. The female was released with a new court date. ST25001377
On Friday January 24th, 2025 police were contacted by lost prevention to advise of a female who had just taken products from the store without paying. Police located the 34 year old female near by and arrested her for theft under $5000. All products were returned to the store and the female was processed and released with a future court date and restrictions to not attend the store. ST25001402
Sexual Assault:
A young victim attended the police station and provided police with a report of a historical sexual assault. With this information police formed reasonable and probable grounds for the charges of sexual assault on a person under 16 and assault cause bodily harm. The accused in this matter turned themselves into police and was arrested and released with a court date and conditions. ST25001375
B & E and Fail to comply with Probation:
Police received a call from the victim that a male known to them was attempting to enter a residence. Police located the 72 year old male and arrested him for break and enter and fail to comply with probation. The male was released with a new court date and conditions. ST25001415