Belleville Police Daily Update 28Jan2025
Source: Belleville Police Service
Date: Tue Jan 28 09:12:36 MST 2025

Family dispute leads to arrest and charges
On the 27th of January at 1:45pm, Belleville Police responded to a family dispute at a residence in the citys east end. Upon arrival, police spoke to the parties involved. As a result of the investigation, a 15-year-old female was arrested and charged with assault, utter death threats and breach of Undertaking. The victim was an adult female family member. The 15-year-old was held in custody for a bail hearing.
Cannabis Act charges
On the 27th of January at 3:00pm, police received a call from a concerned citizen regarding a possible impaired driver in the area of Keegan Pkwy and Foster Ave. The caller was concerned as they had observed the occupants of the vehicle passing a bong back and forth while inside the vehicle. Officers located the vehicle in the area. The driver did not exhibit any signs of impairment however the occupants of the vehicle were found to have cannabis readily available in the vehicle. As a result, a 20-year-old Belleville man was issued a Provincial Offence Notice under the Cannabis Act.