Kyle Bates Was Arrested
Source: OPP
Date: Wed Jan 29 07:04:58 MST 2025

A short time after receiving the call officers located the subject motor vehicle on Highway 11B in Atikokan and conducted a traffic stop to ensure the driver was fit to operate a motor vehicle. As a result on the investigation Kyle Bates a 36-year-old male from Atikokan ON has been charged :
Flight from Peace Officer
Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle
Operation while impaired Alcohol and Drugs
Failure or refusal to comply with demand
In addition to the charges, the driver received a 90-day drivers licence suspension, and the vehicle was impounded for seven days.
Drivers are reminded that no amount of alcohol or drugs in your system is safe when driving. The OPP remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads through enforcement and public education. Arrive alive, drive sober.
Rainy River District OPP values your contribution to building safe communities. If you have information about suspected unlawful activity, please visit Crime Stoppers at: or call 1-800-222-8477
The accused was held in custody and appeared in the Ontario Court of Justice of Fort Frances for a bail court hearing on January 27, 2025, in the Town of Fort Frances
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122. Should you wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or leave an anonymous online message at where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000.