Gideon ANDERSON Was Arrested
Source: OPP
Date: Tue Feb 4 07:26:02 MST 2025

An individual attempted to steal from the store before fleeing in a stolen vehicle. A short time later, officers responded to a single vehicle collision on Highway 72 involving the stolen vehicle. Through investigation, it was determined that the driver of the stolen vehicle was impaired. The driver was subsequently placed under arrest and transported to the Dryden OPP Detachment for further testing.
As a result, Gideon ANDERSON, 26-years-old, of Kasabonika First Nation, has been charged with:
Dangerous Operation
Operation While Impaired alcohol and drugs
Robbery With Violence
Theft of Motor Vehicle two counts
The accused was held for a bail hearing and remanded to the Kenora District Jail. The accused will appear again before court on February 4, 2025.
The OPP remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads, trails and waterways through enforcement and public education. If you suspect that someone is driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs, it is important to call 9-1-1 to report it. The OPP also reminds drivers to lock their vehicle and never leave a vehicle running with the keys accessible.