Alexandra NOLAN Drunk Driving
Source: OPP
Date: Thu May 9 03:59:22 MST 2024

Investigation determined the grey car failed to negotiate a right-hand-turn, went through a wooden guardrail, landing on the wheels of a steep embankment. The driver and passenger of the car did not suffer any life-threatening injuries.
While speaking to the driver police determined the driver had consumed alcohol and as a result, Alexandra NOLAN, 19 years-of-age from Garden River First Nation was charged with:
Operation while impaired-blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)
Operation while impaired alcohol and drugs
The accused is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Sault Ste Marie on June 10, 2024.
The car was towed and impounded for seven days with the driver being issued a 90-day Administrative Drivers Licence Suspension.